k•d•m CTO Appointment

k•d•m is pleased to announce the appointment of Johannes Buergmayr as CTO of k•d•m semi consulting. Johannes will be responsible for working with the k•d•m team to deliver the Shibui-IT™ SaaS plans we’ve recently announced. Johannes is an accomplished IT expert, with a proven track record of driving full life-cycle product development from concept to delivery. He brings a great mix of technical breadth, operational experience, industrial experience and a passion for customer care. He is also a member of the ConVista Consulting AG team which will support the development and commercialization of k•d•m‘s suite of customized SaaS Shibui-IT™ Sales Planning modules. Johannes has a degree in computer science (Diplom Informatiker), (equiv. to a master in computer science) and a minor in mathematics from the Technical University Munich.